We communicate architecture and sustainability. Preferably in the same project!


BAUKUNST.PLUS was founded in 2020 with a focus on helping the “art of building” - by which we mean the three disciplines of architecture, interior design and landscape architecture - to become more visible and sustainable. Because we believe that more sustainable planning not only helps the climate, conserves resources and minimizes waste, but can also strengthen the corporate divisions of human resources and business development.

In the name of art
Moreover, ART has immortalized itself in the company name for another good reason: We believe in the concept of Healing Art, especially in the context of medical and therapeutic places, and we are regularly allowed to marvel at the added value that our work experiences through artistic interventions.

How can we support you?
Architects and companies in the construction and real estate industry will find support in all questions of press relations, project presentation and self-marketing, and will experience a clear profile enhancement. With a structured Internet presence, brochures that people like to pick up, films that allow a look behind the facade and texts that get to the point. And through dedicated press work. Mostly we help our clients learn to walk the walk and put their public relations + business development departments on a sound footing; sometimes our clients also want long-term PR support. Both is possible.


Kathrin and her team have been supporting us in the development and expansion of our communication since September 2021. With their help, we have, among other things, relaunched our website and made the structure and maintenance of our project data more efficient. POLA has become more visible, not only in WHAT, but also in WHO, namely the sum of all employees. Without the support of BAUKUNST.PLUS, we would not have been able to go this way so confidently or alone in such a short time.

Jörg Michel | Founder and owner of POLA Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

With Kathrin Albrecht's help, the NDR brought its own highly acclaimed exhibition on the 75th anniversary of the state of Lower Saxony to the Landesmuseum Hannover. We greatly appreciate how she kept the strings in her hands in the background and delivered the best quality despite great time pressure.

Karin Abenhausen | Norddeutscher Rundfunk

Working with Kathrin Albrecht makes me feel totally understood and I am thrilled how precisely she transforms ideas and wishes into built reality. I always have the feeling that it is really about me and not just about a project.

Dr. med. Lena Alipoé-Schnetzer | Practice Alipoé-Schnetzer

I hold Kathrin in high esteem as a client because she knows exactly what she needs, writes very detailed briefings and always has an ear for questions and suggestions, even in the biggest production stress.

Christian Clarke Photography


April 01, 2023

For the April issue of our STADTKIND column “wir sind dran” (“it’s our turn”), Kathrin Albrecht talks to Anna Brandes, a dialog designer from Hanover, and Dr. Tania Ost, an architectural communicator from Berlin, about the topic of space in its architectural, but also philosophical, richness.

March 01, 2023

In the third issue of the monthly column “wir sind dran” (“it’s our turn”) in STADTKIND magazine, Kathrin Albrecht has chosen an interlocutor whose work at the intersection of architecture and responsibility is not immediately obvious. Why? March 8 is International Women’s Day.

November 01, 2023

This month, we are honouring a four-decade-long commitment to greater awareness of the potential of architecture and urban planning. For the November issue of STADTKIND magazine, Kathrin spoke to six people of Hannover’s AG Stadtleben who are tirelessly developing lectures, exhibitions and publications to raise awareness of the potential of architecture and promote discourse.

July 01, 2023

For the July issue of STADTKIND magazine, Kathrin spoke with two people from Hanover whose professional disciplines could hardly be more different. What Lena Alipoé-Schnetzer and Michael Barsakidis have in common, however, is the use of clamping blocks to make the world not only more colourful, but also a little better.

June 01, 2023

In June, Kathrin explores in her STADTKIND column “wir sind dran” (“it’s our turn”) the question of what it takes to accept built space with all its facets in an appreciative way. What can hinder my enthusiasm for architecture? Or how does architecture win me over? Swantje Osburg and Dr Turit Fröbe know the answers.